Randa Prayer Times Today


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Timezone: Africa/Djibouti

Latitude: 11.16667° N

Longitude: 42.83333° E

Calculation Method / School

Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah / Shafii

Qibla Direction

[qibla_direction latitude=”11.16667″ longitude=”42.83333″]

Custom Prayer Timings for Randa

If you wish to switch between calculation methods such as the Muslim World League and various juristic methods for your preferred prayer times, please use the panel provided below:

[prayer_timings city=”Randa” country=”Djibouti” language=”Englsih” timezone=”Africa/Djibouti”]

Randa, Djibouti

Randa is a town in the Arta Region of Djibouti. It is located about 20 kilometers southwest of Djibouti City. Randa is the capital of the Arta Region and has a population of about 10,000 people. The town is known for its beautiful scenery, its cultural attractions, and its outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy the town’s many mosques, its traditional markets, and its museums. They can also hike in the nearby mountains, swim in the Gulf of Tadjoura, or go diving and snorkeling.

Monthly Prayer Timings for Randa

[prayer_times_week_calendar city=”Randa” language=”en”]

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