Prayer Time Algiers Today

The prayer time Algiers today in Algeria are Fajr (4:48 AM), Dhuhr (12:49 PM), Asr (4:27 PM), Maghrib (7:19 PM), Isha (8:44 PM).

Prayer Time Algiers Today

Next Prayer: Dhuhr (12:49 PM)

Time Remaining until Dhuhr:

4 hours, 47 minutes, 45 seconds

Current time in Africa/Algiers:
08:01:15 AM

Hijri Date: 02 Shawwal, 1445 AH

Gregorian Date: 11 April, 2024

Prayer Times

Fajr 4:48 AM
Sunrise 6:19 AM
Dhuhr 12:49 PM
Asr 4:27 PM
Sunset 7:19 PM
Maghrib 7:19 PM
Isha 8:44 PM
Imsak 4:38 AM
Midnight 12:49 AM
Firstthird 10:59 PM
Lastthird 2:39 AM

Latitude: 36.74395

Longitude: 3.083627

Timezone: Africa/Algiers

Calculation Method: Muslim World League

Midnight Mode: STANDARD

Enable autoplay to automatically play the Azan for each prayer.

To look out calculation method in detail, please visit Praytimes

Qibla Direction

Distance to Kaaba: 3923.83 km

Algiers, Algeria

Algiers is a vibrant and bustling city that serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of Algeria. It is situated on the Bay of Algiers, offering breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and a strategic location for trade and maritime activities. The city of Algiers has a rich history that spans several centuries. It was founded by the Phoenicians in the 10th century BC and has since been influenced by various civilizations, including the Romans, Arabs, Ottomans, and French. Today, Algiers is a dynamic metropolis with a mix of modern architecture and historic landmarks, showcasing the diverse cultural heritage of the region.

Monthly Algiers Prayer Times

Date (Gregorian)Date (Hijri)FajrSunriseDhuhrAsrMaghribIsha
01-04-202422-09-144504:37 (BST)06:40 (BST)13:10 (BST)16:41 (BST)19:42 (BST)21:37 (BST)
02-04-202423-09-144504:34 (BST)06:37 (BST)13:10 (BST)16:42 (BST)19:43 (BST)21:39 (BST)
03-04-202424-09-144504:31 (BST)06:35 (BST)13:09 (BST)16:43 (BST)19:45 (BST)21:41 (BST)
04-04-202425-09-144504:28 (BST)06:33 (BST)13:09 (BST)16:44 (BST)19:47 (BST)21:44 (BST)
05-04-202426-09-144504:25 (BST)06:30 (BST)13:09 (BST)16:45 (BST)19:49 (BST)21:46 (BST)
06-04-202427-09-144504:22 (BST)06:28 (BST)13:09 (BST)16:46 (BST)19:50 (BST)21:49 (BST)
07-04-202428-09-144504:19 (BST)06:26 (BST)13:08 (BST)16:47 (BST)19:52 (BST)21:51 (BST)
08-04-202429-09-144504:16 (BST)06:23 (BST)13:08 (BST)16:48 (BST)19:54 (BST)21:53 (BST)
09-04-202430-09-144504:12 (BST)06:21 (BST)13:08 (BST)16:49 (BST)19:56 (BST)21:56 (BST)
10-04-202401-10-144504:09 (BST)06:19 (BST)13:08 (BST)16:50 (BST)19:57 (BST)21:59 (BST)
11-04-202402-10-144504:06 (BST)06:16 (BST)13:07 (BST)16:51 (BST)19:59 (BST)22:01 (BST)
12-04-202403-10-144504:03 (BST)06:14 (BST)13:07 (BST)16:51 (BST)20:01 (BST)22:04 (BST)
13-04-202404-10-144504:00 (BST)06:12 (BST)13:07 (BST)16:52 (BST)20:03 (BST)22:06 (BST)
14-04-202405-10-144503:56 (BST)06:10 (BST)13:06 (BST)16:53 (BST)20:04 (BST)22:09 (BST)
15-04-202406-10-144503:53 (BST)06:07 (BST)13:06 (BST)16:54 (BST)20:06 (BST)22:12 (BST)
16-04-202407-10-144503:50 (BST)06:05 (BST)13:06 (BST)16:55 (BST)20:08 (BST)22:14 (BST)
17-04-202408-10-144503:46 (BST)06:03 (BST)13:06 (BST)16:56 (BST)20:10 (BST)22:17 (BST)
18-04-202409-10-144503:43 (BST)06:01 (BST)13:06 (BST)16:56 (BST)20:11 (BST)22:20 (BST)
19-04-202410-10-144503:39 (BST)05:58 (BST)13:05 (BST)16:57 (BST)20:13 (BST)22:23 (BST)
20-04-202411-10-144503:36 (BST)05:56 (BST)13:05 (BST)16:58 (BST)20:15 (BST)22:26 (BST)
21-04-202412-10-144503:32 (BST)05:54 (BST)13:05 (BST)16:59 (BST)20:17 (BST)22:29 (BST)
22-04-202413-10-144503:29 (BST)05:52 (BST)13:05 (BST)17:00 (BST)20:18 (BST)22:32 (BST)
23-04-202414-10-144503:25 (BST)05:50 (BST)13:05 (BST)17:00 (BST)20:20 (BST)22:35 (BST)
24-04-202415-10-144503:22 (BST)05:48 (BST)13:04 (BST)17:01 (BST)20:22 (BST)22:38 (BST)
25-04-202416-10-144503:18 (BST)05:46 (BST)13:04 (BST)17:02 (BST)20:24 (BST)22:41 (BST)
26-04-202417-10-144503:14 (BST)05:44 (BST)13:04 (BST)17:03 (BST)20:25 (BST)22:44 (BST)
27-04-202418-10-144503:10 (BST)05:42 (BST)13:04 (BST)17:04 (BST)20:27 (BST)22:47 (BST)
28-04-202419-10-144503:06 (BST)05:40 (BST)13:04 (BST)17:04 (BST)20:29 (BST)22:51 (BST)
29-04-202420-10-144503:03 (BST)05:38 (BST)13:04 (BST)17:05 (BST)20:31 (BST)22:54 (BST)
30-04-202421-10-144502:59 (BST)05:36 (BST)13:03 (BST)17:06 (BST)20:32 (BST)22:57 (BST)