Prayer Timings for Esenyurt
14 Dec, 2024
12 Jumada al-Thani, 1446 AH
Next Prayer: Firstthird (9:51 PM)
Current Time: 19:02
Time Remaining: 02:48:28
Latitude: 1.234567
Longitude: 2.34567
Timezone: Europe/Istanbul
Current Method: Muslim World League
Current Shafaq: General
Current School: Shafi
Current Midnight Mode: Standard (Mid Sunset to Sunrise)
- Fajr: 5:55 AM
- Sunrise: 7:30 AM
- Dhuhr: 12:16 PM
- Asr: 2:44 PM
- Maghrib: 5:02 PM
- Isha: 6:31 PM
- Imsak: 5:45 AM
- Midnight: 12:16 AM
- Firstthird: 9:51 PM
- Lastthird: 2:40 AM
To look out calculation method in detail, please visit Praytimes
Qibla Direction
[qibla_direction latitude=”41.034167″ longitude=”28.68″]
Monthly Prayer Timings for Esenyurt
[prayer_times_week_calendar city=”Esenyurt” country=”Turkey” language=”en”]