Prayer | Time |
To look out calculation method in detail, please visit Praytimes
Timezone: Asia/Baghdad
Latitude: 31.9888° N
Longitude: 44.9311° E
Calculation Method / School
Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah / Shafii
Qibla Direction
[qibla_direction latitude=”31.9888″ longitude=”44.9311″]
Custom Prayer Timings for Diwaniyah
If you wish to switch between calculation methods such as the Muslim World League and various juristic methods for your preferred prayer times, please use the panel provided below:
[prayer_timings city=”Diwaniyah” country=”Iraq” language=”Englsih” timezone=”Asia/Baghdad”]
Monthly Prayer Timings for Diwaniyah
[prayer_times_week_calendar city=”Diwaniyah” language=”en”]