Diriyah Prayer Times Today

The Diriyah prayer times today are Fajr (4:17 AM), Dhuhr (11:55 AM), Asr (3:23 PM), Maghrib (6:15 PM), Isha (7:28 PM).

Diriyah Prayer Times Today

Next Prayer: Fajr (04:17 AM)

Time Remaining until Fajr:

0 hours, 15 minutes, 55 seconds

Current time in Asia/Riyadh:
04:01:05 AM

Hijri Date: 02 Shawwal, 1445 AH

Gregorian Date: 11 April, 2024

Prayer Times

Fajr 4:17 AM
Sunrise 5:35 AM
Dhuhr 11:55 AM
Asr 3:23 PM
Sunset 6:15 PM
Maghrib 6:15 PM
Isha 7:28 PM
Imsak 4:07 AM
Midnight 11:55 PM
Firstthird 10:01 PM
Lastthird 1:48 AM

Latitude: 24.75187

Longitude: 46.53874

Timezone: Asia/Riyadh

Calculation Method: Muslim World League

Midnight Mode: STANDARD

Enable autoplay to automatically play the Azan for each prayer.

To look out calculation method in detail, please visit Praytimes

Qibla Direction

Diriyah, Saudi Arabia

Diriyah, nestled northwest of Riyadh, is a treasure trove of Saudi Arabian history and culture. Once the capital of the First Saudi State, it boasts ancient mud-brick architecture, UNESCO-listed heritage sites, and a captivating atmosphere that transports you back in time.
Riyadh: 28 kilometers (17 miles)

Monthly Prayer Times Diriyah

Date (Gregorian)Date (Hijri)FajrSunriseDhuhrAsrMaghribIsha
01-04-202422-09-144504:29 (+03)05:45 (+03)11:58 (+03)15:25 (+03)18:10 (+03)19:23 (+03)
02-04-202423-09-144504:27 (+03)05:44 (+03)11:57 (+03)15:25 (+03)18:11 (+03)19:23 (+03)
03-04-202424-09-144504:26 (+03)05:43 (+03)11:57 (+03)15:25 (+03)18:11 (+03)19:24 (+03)
04-04-202425-09-144504:25 (+03)05:42 (+03)11:57 (+03)15:24 (+03)18:12 (+03)19:24 (+03)
05-04-202426-09-144504:24 (+03)05:41 (+03)11:56 (+03)15:24 (+03)18:12 (+03)19:25 (+03)
06-04-202427-09-144504:23 (+03)05:40 (+03)11:56 (+03)15:24 (+03)18:12 (+03)19:25 (+03)
07-04-202428-09-144504:22 (+03)05:39 (+03)11:56 (+03)15:24 (+03)18:13 (+03)19:26 (+03)
08-04-202429-09-144504:21 (+03)05:38 (+03)11:56 (+03)15:24 (+03)18:13 (+03)19:26 (+03)
09-04-202430-09-144504:20 (+03)05:37 (+03)11:55 (+03)15:23 (+03)18:14 (+03)19:27 (+03)
10-04-202401-10-144504:19 (+03)05:36 (+03)11:55 (+03)15:23 (+03)18:14 (+03)19:27 (+03)
11-04-202402-10-144504:17 (+03)05:35 (+03)11:55 (+03)15:23 (+03)18:15 (+03)19:28 (+03)
12-04-202403-10-144504:16 (+03)05:34 (+03)11:55 (+03)15:23 (+03)18:15 (+03)19:29 (+03)
13-04-202404-10-144504:15 (+03)05:34 (+03)11:54 (+03)15:22 (+03)18:15 (+03)19:29 (+03)
14-04-202405-10-144504:14 (+03)05:33 (+03)11:54 (+03)15:22 (+03)18:16 (+03)19:30 (+03)
15-04-202406-10-144504:13 (+03)05:32 (+03)11:54 (+03)15:22 (+03)18:16 (+03)19:30 (+03)
16-04-202407-10-144504:12 (+03)05:31 (+03)11:54 (+03)15:22 (+03)18:17 (+03)19:31 (+03)
17-04-202408-10-144504:11 (+03)05:30 (+03)11:53 (+03)15:21 (+03)18:17 (+03)19:32 (+03)
18-04-202409-10-144504:10 (+03)05:29 (+03)11:53 (+03)15:21 (+03)18:18 (+03)19:32 (+03)
19-04-202410-10-144504:09 (+03)05:28 (+03)11:53 (+03)15:21 (+03)18:18 (+03)19:33 (+03)
20-04-202411-10-144504:08 (+03)05:27 (+03)11:53 (+03)15:21 (+03)18:19 (+03)19:33 (+03)
21-04-202412-10-144504:07 (+03)05:26 (+03)11:52 (+03)15:20 (+03)18:19 (+03)19:34 (+03)
22-04-202413-10-144504:06 (+03)05:25 (+03)11:52 (+03)15:20 (+03)18:19 (+03)19:35 (+03)
23-04-202414-10-144504:05 (+03)05:25 (+03)11:52 (+03)15:20 (+03)18:20 (+03)19:35 (+03)
24-04-202415-10-144504:04 (+03)05:24 (+03)11:52 (+03)15:20 (+03)18:20 (+03)19:36 (+03)
25-04-202416-10-144504:03 (+03)05:23 (+03)11:52 (+03)15:19 (+03)18:21 (+03)19:37 (+03)
26-04-202417-10-144504:02 (+03)05:22 (+03)11:52 (+03)15:19 (+03)18:21 (+03)19:37 (+03)
27-04-202418-10-144504:01 (+03)05:21 (+03)11:51 (+03)15:19 (+03)18:22 (+03)19:38 (+03)
28-04-202419-10-144504:00 (+03)05:21 (+03)11:51 (+03)15:19 (+03)18:22 (+03)19:39 (+03)
29-04-202420-10-144503:59 (+03)05:20 (+03)11:51 (+03)15:18 (+03)18:23 (+03)19:39 (+03)
30-04-202421-10-144503:58 (+03)05:19 (+03)11:51 (+03)15:18 (+03)18:23 (+03)19:40 (+03)